Speaker: Rev. Tricia Brennan

On Flows the River

Three and a half years of interim ministry with Rev. Tricia are coming to a close. In gratitude for the learning and the sharing, the doing and the being, the growth and the hope, we gather to celebrate and say goodbye.  For Rev. Tricia’s final sermon as our Interim Minister, click here.

Let All the Beauty We Have Known

Let All the Beauty We Have Known” Alice Walker wrote “Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul. And Rumi reminds us “There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the ground.” Come on this first Sunday of June as we take up this month’s spiritual theme of Beauty.

Flower Communion

Please bring a flower to service this Sunday. We will learn about the history of Flower Communion in the Unitarian Universalist tradition, as well as contemplate how beauty brings comfort in times of loss and joy in the midst of all our days. 

The Preacher is Curious

Yes, it is true that ministers are curious creatures- and that can be taken two ways- they might seem “curious” as in a little odd to some, and they are at best, curious about humanity, divinity, and all that lives between and among those two realms. It is also true that Rev. Tricia herself is … Continue reading The Preacher is Curious

Curiosity and Our Covenant

Though the words curious and curiosity are not in the congregation’s Covenant of Right Relations, they are there in spirit. “Recognizing that all of us are unique individuals coming from different backgrounds”, as the covenant begins, is a statement about the reality of our diversity, and an invitation to get to know who we each … Continue reading Curiosity and Our Covenant

With hope in our hearts, we run towards love

Worship Leader: Rev. Tricia Brennan Worship Associate Doug Shaheen All ages welcome at next week’s Easter service when we sing traditional Easter hymns, bring fresh eyes and hearts to the 2000 year old story of Jesus’s life, death and resurrection, and celebrate enduring love.

The Question Box Sermon

Sometimes our questions show us what we value, what we are curious about, what we hope for. This Sunday Rev. Tricia welcomes your questions- in the general realm of faith and congregational life- and will answer them to the best of her ability. Let’s have fun with this.

Our Shared Tomorrow

Our best tomorrows are reached by sharing fully in our todays. This Sunday marks the start of the annual Stewardship Campaign, when every member and friend is asked to pledge to the future of First Parish Dorchester. This is as much a spiritual enterprise in shared generosity as it is a practical exercise in financial … Continue reading Our Shared Tomorrow

“Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?”

This community holds countless memories, and continues to create memories. What are some of the formative experiences that would not have happened without this church? What are experiences we look forward to creating as we journey together into the future? All are welcome to this youth-led Anniversary Sunday service. Worship Leaders: Lucas Gonzalez Milliken,  Rev. … Continue reading “Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?”

An Inner Journey

This Sunday marks the first Sunday of Lent, a period of introspection and spiritual preparation in the Christian year. Most faith traditions have such a time, marked by reflection, restraint of some sort, and renewal. What might such a time look like for a Unitarian Universalist, for you?