Speaker: Rev. Tricia Brennan

A Wise Trust

In these tumultuous times, where do we find the trustworthy in our society, and how to we build trust in the wider world? No easy answers, and all are needed to grapple with the questions and find our way to a wise trust.

A Sturdy Trust

Without trust, we live small stifling lives. With trust, in ourselves and others and possibly the divine, we can imagine and create a way forward founded on partnerships, possibilities, and promise. Trusting people create trustworthy congregations, and they do so not in grand gestures but in ordinary acts and words common to us all.

The Open Hand/The Open Heart

On this last Sunday of the year, we will let go of what needs to be relinquished and make room for what yearns to be born. This simple  service will differ from our usual form, and will be held in the Allen Parlor.

Christmas Eve Service of Lessons, Song, and Story

We celebrate the 200th Anniversary of Silent Night. A candlelit service of lessons, song, and story. The choir will sing and violinist Anna Fernandez-Buehrens will accompany the choir and Music Director Dr. Ana Sorina Popa. Worship Leader, Rev. Tricia Brennan  

Tangible Love

Telling the Story of Christmas in 2018 The choir will sing and violinist Anna Fernandez-Buehrens will accompany the choir and Music Director Dr. Ana Sorina Popa. Worship Leader, Rev. Tricia Brennan  

Comfort and Joy

The Sunday after Thanksgiving, while still in the month of November, offers a chance to pause and take a breath. December, with all its expectations of good times and gift-giving and busyness, can land hard for some. What spiritual resources can we tap to help make the month ahead more peaceful and sane. How can … Continue reading Comfort and Joy