Free in Relationship

In order to truly be free, we have to be able to name the boundaries that allow us to remain in relationship with one another. Freedom actually means containers. Join us as we explore the ways in which we take responsibility for the impacts of our actions and how that relates to the need to clearly articulate our personal and communal boundaries.

Worship Leader: Rev. Elizabeth Carrier-Ladd
Music Director: Dr. Ana Sorina Popa
Director of Religious Education: Lucas Milliken

All services through at least December 2021 will be hybrid (available for in person attendance as well as via zoom at If you join us in person, please wear your mask and sit distanced from one another. We are asking in person participants not to sing for now. Our service leaders, who are all fully vaccinated, will unmask to speak and sing from the front of the Sanctuary. Unvaccinated folks are encouraged to sit a little further back to mitigate risk.