A Celebration of Lay Leadership

Worship leader: Lucas Gonzalez Milliken and the Summer Worship Team

Social Hour to follow the service for fellowship and connection.

For this service, In-person attendance is described below. If joining by Zoom, please use the regular First Parish Zoom account: https://zoom.us/j/4438056805 – Please note the time change – summer services start at 10am!

Sunday Services from July through Labor Day at First Parish Dorchester are traditionally lead by lay members of our congregation, while our minister is on vacation and study leave. These services are at 10am rather than our usual 11am the rest of the year. All our services this summer will be available remotely by Zoom. This service (July 4) is one of a handful that will also have the option to gather in person in the sanctuary, with summer religious education programming for children too.

If you join us in person, please wear your mask and sit distanced from one another. We are asking in person participants not to sing for now. Our service leaders, who are all fully vaccinated, will unmask to speak and sing from the front of the Sanctuary. Unvaccinated folks are encouraged to sit a little further back to mitigate risk.

Here’s the video of the service: