Habitat for Humanity has not yet resumed its international builds, but the Greater Boston chapter of Habitat is up and running at full speed. Laura Maltby would like to put together a team from First Parish to sign up for a build day in July, August, or September. This could be either a weekday or a Saturday. New construction is currently taking place in Mission Hill and Malden, with some renovation work in Dorchester. We would NOT be able to request a specific location. Build hours are approximately 8:30 am – 3:30 pm. The tasks could be quite varied – but would certainly be less strenuous than digging foundations in Honduras! Minimum age is 16, and no skills are required, simply a desire to help. Please contact Laura Maltby (landrmaltby@aol.com) with any questions and/or to express interest and discuss possible dates.
A day for a local Habitat build?